Entertainment · September 19, 2021

Read This Before Going to Hamilton on Broadway

If you’re planning to go to Hamilton, odds are that you’re a diehard fan of the musical, and have already listened to the lyrics a thousand times. If you’ve got the Hamilton tickets already, we highly recommend that you listen to the soundtrack multiple times and understand what is being said in it. It is the only way to enjoy an immersive experience whenever you visit Hamilton.

As you might already know, Hamilton musical doesn’t have too many dialogues. It is mostly sung. That’s why you’ll have to listen to the lyrics of Hamilton musical to make sense of the show and get the best benefits from your tickets.

Here are a few important things you should know about Hamilton musical.

Getting The Hamilton Soundtrack

The soundtrack is easily available on online platforms like Amazon and iTunes. You can also listen to it on YouTube. CDs of the show are also available on physical CD stores which you can buy and listen to while sitting inside your car. You’ll get 2 CDs packed with 46 songs. However, but the CD only if you have devices with CD players around you.

The Right Time to Listen to Hamilton Musical

You can always start listening to the soundtrack well before visiting Hamilton to watch the show. This is also one of the best ideas for a date night which you can follow to enjoy Hamilton in the best way possible. Ideally, you should start listening to the soundtrack around 1 month before the show you’ve booked.

Moreover, if you want to learn the whole soundtrack by heart, you should start listening to it around 6 months before the booked show.

These were some of the right things you must do before visiting the Hamilton musical.