Online gaming has surpassed all previously set limits of popularity and craze. These games have created worlds that offer a lot of satisfaction to the users through a constantly rewarding system. This world becomes more beautiful and satisfactory if a player opts to become its paid member. In other words, these games offer special benefits, features, and rewards to users who pay to become a part of their membership program, often called a battle pass. One of the games that are on the top of popularity nowadays is Call of Duty Mobile, abbreviated as CODM. The battle pass in this game can be obtained only by paying through an in-game currency called CP. Thus, to purchase a battle pass, users first have to purchase CP through CODM top up.
Benefits of Battle Pass
CODM top up offers an individual the required CPs in a very simple manner, only in a few easy steps. This top-up allows users to purchase a battle pass or other bundles, including equipment or updates adding to the player’s value. Some benefits that are only available to players who opt for the battle pass are:
- Exclusive items- Players with this membership are eligible for a tire-based reward system. In this system, exclusive items and rewards are made available to the players, which they can claim by increasing their tire or level.
- In-game content- Except for buying a battle pass, CP points can be used to buy in-game equipment and add-on that are unique and exclusively available to players owning the battle pass.